Unike BioCeutics

About Us



Welcome to
Unike Bioceutics

Unike Bioceutics Co., Ltd., founded in 2016 by a team of pharmacists, is a leading manufacturer and distributor of dietary supplements and cosmeceuticals in Thailand.

We are dedicated to providing our customers, including medical professionals such as doctors and pharmacists, with accurate and up-to-date knowledge about raw materials and medicines.

Business Parther

Our Vision

Unike Bioceutics aspires to be premier in Asia’s sustainable health and anti-aging product manufacturing industry. We achieve this by conducting a business rooted in honesty, ethics, and responsibility towards society and the environment.

Our Mission

We provide excellent services to support business development with our partners, prioritizing care, honesty, and fairness.

  • Our product is meticulously crafted with high-optimal effectiveness, safety quality ingredients and formulated for, ease of use.
  • We research and develop new products emphasizing post-use sustainability and meeting consumer needs.
  • Our quality assurance systems, enhance production efficiency according to pharmaceutical standards.

Our Team

Our research team is committed to product development,

led by internationally qualified pharmacists.

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